The benefits of citrus
It is rare to meet people who would not like at least one of the types of citrus! They sprouted in dense thickets in the gastronomic preferences of Russians, and…

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Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…

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These three plants relieve inflammation and pain is better than drugs.
Take note of the three most powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants. They act more efficiently than many drugs and have no side effects (if used in reasonable quantities, like any…

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About nutrition
The main thing for us is the pleasure in food - on taste. First of all, we are eager to get pleasure from the taste of food, the rest of…


this reason

The most common nutritional errors and their solution

As you know, good health and well-being are a prerequisite for a high quality of human life. It seems, what could be easier than to maintain your own health for many years and enjoy excellent well-being? However, on the path of this seemingly simple aspiration, many different obstacles arise, and the most important among them are serious eating disorders. Continue reading

Products that prolong youth
All people tend to strive to have perfect health and live forever. And if the first desire to cope is relatively easy, if you monitor your body and its needs,…


Nuances of raw food
Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part…


How does heat treatment of vegetables affect the content of vitamins?
Recently, one of my readers asked how much baked bell pepper is rich in vitamin C or is it completely resolved by heat treatment. This question prompted me to prepare…
