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Nuances of raw food

Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part of life. But in our modern world, which is full of temptations and there are many diseases, unfortunately, no one has yet found a “recipe for happiness and longevity.” But more and more people want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some constantly go in for sports, others constantly follow diets. They are now quite a lot, one of these diets is raw foods.

Raw foods – a diet that excludes from the diet of prepared foods in favor of raw foods (vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts). The most often confused raw foods with vegetarianism (raw foods – eat only raw foods, vegetarians can cook). There is a category of people who fully believe that this raw food diet is really a guarantee of human health. There are those who, on the contrary, do not agree with this. But each person has the right to choose and decide for himself.

In raw food eating there are many nuances that must be observed, namely, what can be consumed and what cannot. Let’s try to figure it out …

Foods that can be eaten at a syroedenie are:

plant food. These are berries, cereals, vegetables, leaves, stalks and roots of various edible plants, nuts, as well as any dishes that are not cooked. This temperature does not exceed 42-45 degrees

fermented vegetable products, such as, for example, sauerkraut, which contributes to the formation of gas.

Salt, soda, and vegetable oils.

Of the forbidden products, as mentioned above, eggs, dairy products, meat, poultry and fish.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine how to eat without frying, boiling, and even more so limited to food. But those people who are raw foodists are already accustomed to eating such food and do not see anything shameful here.

Like everything in our world, raw foods have their pros and cons.
The advantage of this diet is that the entire human body is cleaned of all kinds of garbage that has accumulated for many years. Cholesterol, stones, toxins, antibiotics and other components are perfectly derived from our body from eating raw food.

Raw food diet is an effective remedy for diseases, even such as oncology, but at an early stage. Plus, the person adds a huge amount of energy that the body previously spent on digesting food.

Nothing is perfect. This also applies to raw food. This diet can cause harm to your body if your diet is not balanced, that is, you eat only vegetables or fruits, if a person has too low weight, or with such a diet he loses a lot of weight, if there are problems with the assimilation of raw food.

It happens that people who sit on such a diet, the tooth enamel deteriorates, the skin dries because there is a small amount of fluid intake.

From this it follows that if you really decide to switch to this type of food, you need to learn all the nuances of this type of food. If necessary, consult a doctor, talk with people who have already had experience in this area. The main thing is to eat is useful for the benefit of your body.

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