Pizza: the way to conquer the world
Pizza is considered the main dish of traditional Italian cuisine. Although the history of its origin began much earlier than Italy itself appeared. Even the ancient Egyptians made sour yeast…

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Black rice is a healthy alternative to white.
Who does not like rice? I have not yet met such people)) So my eldest son is ready to eat rice three times a day! However, I try to replace…

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How to prepare for the transition to vegetarianism
The transition to vegetarianism is an important step forward for physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you decide to switch to vegetarianism, then you should prepare for it. And in…

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There is and lose weight. Negative Calorie Products
People who want to get rid of excess weight, go to many things: sit on diets, take dubious quality pills, torture their already exhausted body with sports exercises, starve, and…


the pastry is ready

How to return youth and health?

A person always wants to be slim, young and healthy. In the modern world, the mass media impose beauty standards on us. We are shown what we should strive for. A woman must be very thin, a man must be pumped up “macho.” But the stars shine in the sky, you will not follow them. And nature has given far from all the flawless appearance. Nowadays, high speeds for themselves sometimes just do not have time.

Youth is an instant, it flies by very quickly. And, unfortunately, not always people have time to realize themselves. We are often delayed household bog. Continue reading

All about brownies

In each country, there is one or even several national desserts, which are loved by all residents, and visitors are perceived as a treasure and a dish that is mandatory for tasting. In Russia, as you know, these are pies, the most diverse, but what about the USA and Canada? There is such an interesting dish, in other words, a dessert like a brownie. For certain for the Russian person this word will appear unfamiliar. It is unlikely that anyone of you is not what I tried, even heard about brownie. Now we will talk about this delicacy and tell you about how it is prepared and what ingredients are used. Continue reading

Psychology overeating
Most people are sure that their appetite is always under their control, they just have to want it, and the hated kilograms will begin to melt under the pressure of…


How to avoid overeating during the holidays?
According to our traditions, the New Year's table should be filled with various dishes. For this reason, many people are extremely difficult to withstand such a load on the stomach.…


Why give up the usual food?
Everyone knows about vegetarians, someone heard about raw foodists, almost no one knows about pranistah - people who feed on the energy of light and the surrounding space. Why all…
