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Healthy food

Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy?

As you know, good nutrition is given considerable attention. This is not surprising, since well-formed diet is the key to a healthy and productive human activity. This article will focus on healthy foods and the nutrients contained in them.

Green tea
Perhaps the list of healthy foods should start with those that each of us can easily use daily. And you should not be surprised that green tea is one of them, because it has long been transformed from an exotic drink into one that we can use at least every day.

The beneficial properties of this wonderful drink just do not find it: it helps to reduce pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, as well as strengthen blood vessels and the immune system. Green tea promotes the excretion of organisms of various poisons and toxic substances. There is a whole list of diseases in which doctors advise to use this particular drink. This diabetes, and thyroid disease, and eye problems, and many, many others.

Milk products
Hardly anyone would argue that dairy products are very healthy. Cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, cream – we can use all these products daily, and calcium, which they contain, makes it possible to strengthen bones, hair, and also the teeth of each of us. Milk is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

It is noteworthy that some dairy products, such as kefir, can be prepared at home. Starter for kefir – the main ingredient of this fermented milk drink. Kefir and cottage cheese are very good for health because they have a positive effect on the intestinal function, have an antimicrobial effect and help to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Of course, vegetables are healthy foods. For example, cabbage has the highest nutritional value and is recommended for those who suffer from gastritis and an ulcer, while carrots contain vitamin A, which helps to improve eyesight and strengthen the immune system. Garlic and onions, due to the content of many vitamins, microelements and minerals, are effective in diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular systems and the liver.

To useful vegetables can also include tomatoes, peppers and zucchini. Tomatoes have a beneficial effect on the work of the pancreas, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, help to improve vision and blood circulation. Due to the content of vitamins C and P, pepper increases the elasticity of capillaries, helps to eliminate cholesterol and is effective against diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. Squashes, in turn, contribute to the emptying of the bladder.

Meat, Eggs and Seafood
The next health product is meat that contains protein, minerals and amino acids. It not only strengthens the muscles, but also contributes to the prevention of anemia. In quantities of 5 units per week, eggs are good for health. They cleanse the human body, removing cholesterol from it, break down fats, and also help strengthen muscles. Eggs are also useful for ulcers, pancreatitis and nervous system disorders.

Seafood, although not available for daily use, but contain quite a lot of nutrients. Fish has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, and due to the content of phosphorus in it, improves memory. Seafood reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes, heart attacks, as well as promote wound healing.

Fruits and berries
Very useful products for health are berries and fruits. Among them, blueberries and blueberries are especially useful, as they contain a huge amount of antioxidants, as well as lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Among fruits rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits – oranges, lemons, grapefruits.

Apples are rich in iron and help to remove harmful substances from the body, pomegranate helps to improve blood circulation, and grapes normalizes blood pressure, improves urination and helps to solve problems with heart disease. Also useful are nuts, which are a great source of minerals, proteins, vitamins and fats.

By consuming all these useful products, you can be sure that the result will not be long in coming, and the improvement of health status will immediately come. Get the maximum amount of benefits from these products can be, if you combine them in the daily diet.

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