Fruitarianism is the most natural way of life
Every year, fruitorialism is becoming more and more widespread. At one time, fruitarianians were concentrated mainly in America, but now they can be found all over the world. Let's see…

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All about brownies
In each country, there is one or even several national desserts, which are loved by all residents, and visitors are perceived as a treasure and a dish that is mandatory…

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Healthy food for every day
If by the middle of the day you feel unreasonable tiredness, sleep badly at night, little things irritate you, and “the head doesn’t cook”, then it’s time to pay attention…

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My diet is raw food 80/20
People often ask me what is my diet of food eater? And why am I not 100% raw food eater, but only 80%? In this article I will answer these…



Black rice is a healthy alternative to white.

Who does not like rice? I have not yet met such people)) So my eldest son is ready to eat rice three times a day! However, I try to replace white rice with black, or wild. In China, it was also called forbidden: only the nobility had the right to eat this rice, for the simple people it was forbidden.

There are many varieties of rice grains! For most of us, traditional white rice seems habitual. And if other varieties of this cereal – brown, brown, basmati – are even remotely known to us, then black or wild rice most often causes surprise and genuine interest, since it is not so often found in local stores. Continue reading

These three plants relieve inflammation and pain is better than drugs.
Take note of the three most powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants. They act more efficiently than many drugs and have no side effects (if used in reasonable quantities, like any…


Nuances of raw food
Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part…


Healthy food for every day
If by the middle of the day you feel unreasonable tiredness, sleep badly at night, little things irritate you, and “the head doesn’t cook”, then it’s time to pay attention…
