Proper nutrition is one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
Nutrition is considered an important environmental factor, which has a significant impact on the change in the course of all processes occurring in the body. For him, there is a…

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Nuances of raw food
Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part…

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The secret weapon of natural juices
The health benefits of juice are huge. Fruit juices contain a large amount of fructose, which is in sweet fruit. However, vegetable juice has a significant advantage over fruit juice.…

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Choose organically grown foods.
If your daily diet consists mainly of artificially grown foods, many pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals are deposited in the fatty tissues of your body. Why take the risk if…


discussed above

Meat eating or vegetarianism?

Over the past 10-15 years, the vegetarian movement in the world has grown significantly, and therefore, more and more disputes arise between the adherents of plant foods and meat-eaters. The first complain not only about the dangers of meat on health, but also promote the ethical side of the issue of killing animals. The second by all means continue to prove that man is a predator. Continue reading

Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…


What are eating and what do not eat syromonoedy?
In this article, I want to sort through everything that relates to the diet of syromonoedus, or rather those products that are not eaten by syromonoids. In general, as a…


Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…
