What are eating and what do not eat syromonoedy?
In this article, I want to sort through everything that relates to the diet of syromonoedus, or rather those products that are not eaten by syromonoids. In general, as a…

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Meat eating or vegetarianism?
Over the past 10-15 years, the vegetarian movement in the world has grown significantly, and therefore, more and more disputes arise between the adherents of plant foods and meat-eaters. The…

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What are eating and what do not eat syromonoedy?
In this article, I want to sort through everything that relates to the diet of syromonoedus, or rather those products that are not eaten by syromonoids. In general, as a…

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What is chocolate good for?
Many sweet teeth read this article in the hope that today we will confirm their conjecture that chocolate is really useful. Looking ahead, I will say that yes, you were…


well as cook soup

Meat eating or vegetarianism?

Over the past 10-15 years, the vegetarian movement in the world has grown significantly, and therefore, more and more disputes arise between the adherents of plant foods and meat-eaters. The first complain not only about the dangers of meat on health, but also promote the ethical side of the issue of killing animals. The second by all means continue to prove that man is a predator. Continue reading

Why give up the usual food?
Everyone knows about vegetarians, someone heard about raw foodists, almost no one knows about pranistah - people who feed on the energy of light and the surrounding space. Why all…


Variety of vegetable oils
When the term “vegetable oil” is found in a culinary recipe, the traditional for modern Russian cuisine sunflower and olive oils first come to mind. Then the corn floats in…


Fruitarianism is the most natural way of life
Every year, fruitorialism is becoming more and more widespread. At one time, fruitarianians were concentrated mainly in America, but now they can be found all over the world. Let's see…
