My diet is raw food 80/20
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Pizza is considered the main dish of traditional Italian cuisine. Although the history of its origin began much earlier than Italy itself appeared. Even the ancient Egyptians made sour yeast…

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Do they get fat from pasta?
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Separate meals

This way of feeding is used by almost all types of living beings on our planet. Only one species – the modern Homo sapiens – neglecting the laws of nature, for some time began to eat differently. Not only does this Homo now rework natural products intended for him by the Creator: he cooks, fries, soars, he also mixes them up in the most incredible combinations and eats this mess. And then complains of illness, of feeling unwell, of an unhappy fate.

But if, discarding the prevailing unnatural habits and traditions, begin to eat, as it should be for all earthly beings, according to three principles:

1) for one meal – ONE natural product,

2) there is not in time, but when you really want,

3) periodically cleaned by fasting,

then after some time (about 2 – 3 months), positive changes inevitably and automatically begin to occur.

And the farther, the more they become more and more vivid and significant:
The lost natural ability is returned with pleasure to feel its usefulness, “consumer” value in the product, and the taste from the object of pursuit of pleasure turns into information about the properties of the product.

Man begins to “hear” the voice of his body, to understand his requests. The body itself determines what and how much to eat.

Accumulated malfunctions, disturbances in the work of the stomach and the entire digestive system are eliminated. The intestinal microflora is restored, producing vitamins necessary for the body. Improving the absorption of food. The body is cleared of numerous slags and toxins. Increases the activity of the immune system.

The composition of the diet becomes healthier and more economical in quantity. Overeating becomes impossible. Weight is normalized.

The process of feeding is simplified and ceases to be a cult.

A person acquires amazing properties, becomes fabulously healthy, free, friendly and happy.

Going to separate meals is not as difficult as it may seem. Especially if you do it collectively, for example, the whole family. The main thing is to look at the existing human traditions and customs from new perspectives, rethinking everything, freeing ourselves from prejudice and gaining freedom of choice. Then it is easier to overcome the old habits, to learn new principles and concepts that are more in tune with the nature of our body. Changing habits is not easy, but it is necessary to achieve a result.

Realizing the unnaturalness of the combined, mixed food, realizing that any mixture is a hoax of the digestive process, masking some of the products by others, try to reduce each food to a single product, i.e. in each meal, eat as much as possible one natural product, without any additions and changes. Then the body will learn to distinguish products according to the composition of substances, will take care of the assortment and quantity of food it needs, suggest what it needs, and most importantly, say clearly and unambiguously that it is too much for it.

Start, for example, with the reform of dinner: tonight – only bananas, tomorrow – only lentil porridge, then – only dates or nuts, and so on. When you make sure that this is quite possible, then apply the same rule to every meal.

Now, this method of nutrition is sometimes called “monotrophy”, but it is not a mono-diet prescribing food with the same product. Separate food is the use of any food, but without mixing, i.e. apart. That is how all of our ancient ancestors ate before they learned how to make dishes 10 thousand years ago.

The range of products for separate feeding causes difficulties only at the very beginning, and then it expands and ceases to be a problem. Choose food not for any theoretical reasons about the benefits or diversity, but only for the practical needs of the body, according to a specific desire at the moment. Of the possible natural products, eat only one that attracts you on its own, separately, without seasonings and side dishes.

With separate feeding it becomes almost unnecessary, for example, any oil. This is not food, but seasoning. If something is not eaten without oil or without other additives, it means that the body does not need it. And it makes no sense to deceive him. And the body itself can easily create fats in itself, to the extent necessary, from proteins and carbohydrates. Gradually become more than bread. No soups at all. And what could be better than peeled carrots, washed fresh cucumbers or tomatoes! But this usually does not come immediately, but after passing the stage of vegetable and green salads.

Whoever can not immediately abandon meat products, he will replace sausage, meatballs and other combined products and mixtures simply boiled or baked meat or fish, only better – if possible less often and not before bedtime. Of course, this is all without a side dish, a side dish – another time, as a separate meal. The body itself will tell when it wants, for example, buckwheat or other porridge (previously soaked and not long boiled), or maybe it will be better for sprouted wheat.

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Do they get fat from pasta?
Most people believe that pasta is not exactly the kind of food that is suitable for losing weight. That's because pasta is made from flour. And flour, as you know,…
