These three plants relieve inflammation and pain is better than drugs.
Take note of the three most powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants. They act more efficiently than many drugs and have no side effects (if used in reasonable quantities, like any…

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Variety of vegetable oils
When the term “vegetable oil” is found in a culinary recipe, the traditional for modern Russian cuisine sunflower and olive oils first come to mind. Then the corn floats in…

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Rolls and Sushi Spice
In addition to traditional sushi and rolls, you can often find interesting varieties of these dishes in the menu of restaurants and cafes — these can be gunkans wrapped in…

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The benefits of citrus
It is rare to meet people who would not like at least one of the types of citrus! They sprouted in dense thickets in the gastronomic preferences of Russians, and…


more correct the nutrition

Proper nutrition is one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition is considered an important environmental factor, which has a significant impact on the change in the course of all processes occurring in the body. For him, there is a definition that suggests that this is a process that is based on the receipt, digestion, absorption and assimilation in the body of substances that cover the energy costs of a person in renewing and building new tissues. Continue reading

5 reasons why people become vegetarians
The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population…


What are eating and what do not eat syromonoedy?
In this article, I want to sort through everything that relates to the diet of syromonoedus, or rather those products that are not eaten by syromonoids. In general, as a…


Black rice is a healthy alternative to white.
Who does not like rice? I have not yet met such people)) So my eldest son is ready to eat rice three times a day! However, I try to replace…
