Healthy food for every day
If by the middle of the day you feel unreasonable tiredness, sleep badly at night, little things irritate you, and “the head doesn’t cook”, then it’s time to pay attention…

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How to become a vegetarian? It is easier than it seems.
Some people try to go on a vegetarian menu slowly, gradually, while others - dramatically and permanently change their lifestyle. The main task is to realize, to feel your usual…

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What should be dinner
The problem of overweight is currently so acute that working in this industry is a fairly profitable business. The pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of tablets, teas and applicators. Nutritionists…

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5 reasons why people become vegetarians
The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population…


even interesting work

Psychology overeating

Most people are sure that their appetite is always under their control, they just have to want it, and the hated kilograms will begin to melt under the pressure of inexorable desire. But in most cases it is not. If only a lot of discipline would be enough for losing weight, any normal person could create a proper diet for himself, and not spend money on gyms, nutritionists and miracle weight control programs. Continue reading

“Food parachute”: this trick will reduce the impact of harmful food on health
My professor at Stanford, Dr. Clyde Wilson, described a simple trick: it will be useful to many who are unable to give up harmful food, but at least a little…


Go to raw foods. How to avoid mistakes?
With a sharp transition to raw foods in most cases, there is a rapid elimination of subcutaneous fat, slag, kidney stones, etc. from the body. Purification of the body can…


What is chocolate good for?
Many sweet teeth read this article in the hope that today we will confirm their conjecture that chocolate is really useful. Looking ahead, I will say that yes, you were…
