My diet is raw food 80/20
People often ask me what is my diet of food eater? And why am I not 100% raw food eater, but only 80%? In this article I will answer these…

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Healthy food for every day
If by the middle of the day you feel unreasonable tiredness, sleep badly at night, little things irritate you, and “the head doesn’t cook”, then it’s time to pay attention…

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That is how they cooked pork in the XIV century for a noble table. You have to try!
Meat is a source of protein and a necessary food. This is a well-known fact. Most people on the planet can’t imagine their lives without meat. Of course, there are…

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How to return youth and health?
A person always wants to be slim, young and healthy. In the modern world, the mass media impose beauty standards on us. We are shown what we should strive for.…


nutritionists identify five

Psychology overeating

Most people are sure that their appetite is always under their control, they just have to want it, and the hated kilograms will begin to melt under the pressure of inexorable desire. But in most cases it is not. If only a lot of discipline would be enough for losing weight, any normal person could create a proper diet for himself, and not spend money on gyms, nutritionists and miracle weight control programs. Continue reading

The secret weapon of natural juices
The health benefits of juice are huge. Fruit juices contain a large amount of fructose, which is in sweet fruit. However, vegetable juice has a significant advantage over fruit juice.…


These three plants relieve inflammation and pain is better than drugs.
Take note of the three most powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants. They act more efficiently than many drugs and have no side effects (if used in reasonable quantities, like any…


5 reasons why people become vegetarians
The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population…
