Can a child be a vegetarian?
Me: To begin with, vegetarianism does not equal healthy eating. This is a must understand. After all, for example, pasta with tomato sauce, pizza and cola, fruit juice with donuts…

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Can a child be a vegetarian?
Me: To begin with, vegetarianism does not equal healthy eating. This is a must understand. After all, for example, pasta with tomato sauce, pizza and cola, fruit juice with donuts…

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How does heat treatment of vegetables affect the content of vitamins?
Recently, one of my readers asked how much baked bell pepper is rich in vitamin C or is it completely resolved by heat treatment. This question prompted me to prepare…

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8 types of products to preserve youth
Every person wants to preserve their youth as long as possible. Eating the right foods can help. 1. Water. Not one drink can replace water in the body, since man…


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Medical fasting: starve or not

“Who wants to be brave – eats meat. Who wants to be healthy – eats vegetables. Who wants to be wise – eats air. Who wants to live forever – does not eat anything!” Ancient chinese saying

To starve or not? The question is not at all idle. For many years and even decades, the controversy surrounding this method of healing has not abated. And how many tell absolutely fantastic stories of “healing from incurable diseases”! Continue reading

Separate meals

This way of feeding is used by almost all types of living beings on our planet. Only one species – the modern Homo sapiens – neglecting the laws of nature, for some time began to eat differently. Not only does this Homo now rework natural products intended for him by the Creator: he cooks, fries, soars, he also mixes them up in the most incredible combinations and eats this mess. And then complains of illness, of feeling unwell, of an unhappy fate. Continue reading

The secret of green cocktails

There is no person in this world who does not know that greens are necessary and useful. However, the word “useful” can cause unpleasant associations associated with the nasty taste of drugs! Down with those unnecessary thoughts! For a start, let’s see what is “green”? In principle, “greens” can be characterized by one, all familiar word – grass. Continue reading

Separate meals
This way of feeding is used by almost all types of living beings on our planet. Only one species - the modern Homo sapiens - neglecting the laws of nature,…


Hot smoking: how to smoke the meat yourself
It is not necessary to leave a cozy cottage for a trip to the city for smoked foods that most people like. It is enough to have meat (lard, poultry,…


Nuances of raw food
Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part…
