5 reasons why people become vegetarians
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Why give up the usual food?
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There is and lose weight. Negative Calorie Products

People who want to get rid of excess weight, go to many things: sit on diets, take dubious quality pills, torture their already exhausted body with sports exercises, starve, and some even read miraculous plots and perform rituals. Few people think about whether it is good for the body, because with weight loss it is easy to lose and invaluable health. Many nutritionists argue that all these sufferings are completely useless, because there are products that can be eaten without fear for their weight, and most importantly to preserve health. Thus, a special group of products is distinguished, which is considered to be negative in calories.

Any processes occurring in our body require the consumption of calories, which produce the necessary energy. Even digesting the food eaten, the body burns some calories consumed. Among the foods consumed by humans, there are those that have a low calorie content. And imagine – the calories in the product and so few, and then they also burn during digestion, thus, it turns out zero calories. And what is the body to work on? It is natural to take from stocks, and this is subcutaneous fat, which prevents people to live with excess weight. But is it?

In this case, maybe just apply a diet based on foods with negative calorie content? But the same can bring trouble to your health. Such diets are designed for short-term use. Long-term “sitting” on such a diet can bring irreparable damage to health. Even if you use only such products, the weight will not increase, but there will not be a feeling of saturation either. And the unfortunate organism, naturally, will not receive all the necessary nutrients for a full existence. Negative calories are attributed to foods such as herbs, spices, herbs, some vegetables.

In this case, experts in the field of dietetics are mistaken, and this way of getting rid of extra pounds cannot bring the desired result. Of course it can, if you do not demand too much from it. You just need to revise your daily diet and increase the consumption of foods with negative calorie content, but in no case do not give up everything else, in reasonable, naturally, quantities.

Simple arithmetic: they ate boiled chicken breast, for example, 250 calories and an appetizing cake as a dessert. After digestion, even 180 calories will remain from the breast, and with a cake it is more difficult: the body will use sugar in favor immediately, and the fats that it will needlessly send to save, so to speak, “in reserve” until the worst times. And how much then you need to make an effort to deceive the body and convince that the worst times have come, and it is time to give and burn the accumulated wealth. But from the breast, too, something left. And now, in a different way: they ate, for example, the same breast with a salad of fresh cabbage or a cucumber, but they denied themselves desserts. The number of calories remaining from the breast is calculated, and the digestion salad will take all of its calories. A small run to get rid of the extra 180 calories, and it turns out that nothing was eaten, but the brain received a signal about the saturation of the body and would not be disturbed for a while, and you enjoyed eating the chicken, and not just the herbs chewed.

If all this still seemed attractive and seemed admissible, it’s time to replenish your grocery basket with such products as celery, any cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), almost all salad vegetables, grapefruit. Of the drinks stands out green tea and, of course, drinking water. When ordering food to work at http://perekusov.net, then more often order salads.

For combination with a negative-calorie foods, protein foods with low calories are suitable. But it’s not enough to eat the right amount of the right foods, you need to work the muscles, because proteins are needed to build muscle mass, and without work they are also not put aside where you would like.

How do spices and spices work? And here the algorithm is very simple: seasoned food does not require a lot of salt, it means the body does not need too much water, therefore, it does not linger and does not interfere with a full-fledged metabolism.

Logically, the so-called negative calorie foods are the most healthy and healthy foods, which you can use to reduce the calorie intake, and in combination with exercise, reduce weight without stressing the body in the form of starvation.

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Meat eating or vegetarianism?
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