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Medical fasting: starve or not

“Who wants to be brave – eats meat. Who wants to be healthy – eats vegetables. Who wants to be wise – eats air. Who wants to live forever – does not eat anything!” Ancient chinese saying

To starve or not? The question is not at all idle. For many years and even decades, the controversy surrounding this method of healing has not abated. And how many tell absolutely fantastic stories of “healing from incurable diseases”! One thing is clear: fasting is not the easiest and not the most pleasant way to get rid of extra pounds. But perhaps one of the most effective. In addition, it is also an opportunity to prove to everyone that you are strong, successful and beautiful.

However, not so simple. For our body, starvation is quite a strong stress, breaking established metabolic processes. Without preparation, you cannot subject yourself to such a shock. Therefore, you can fast for more than three days only under the supervision of a physician.

Not everyone can starve. Categorical “no” doctors say adolescents, as well as women during the first year after childbirth and during the onset of menopause, that is, during periods of hormonal adjustment of the body.

How much time to starve during medical fasting
To conduct a short one-three-day fasting does not require any special training. Such fasting days give our body a little respite and allow it to start “cleaning” – to air the cells and brush away the dust from them. For many, weekly one-day fasting has become an element of lifestyle, as is the fascination with low-calorie food or going to the gym.

The most persistent can try themselves in prolonged abstinence from food, which lasts from three to thirty days.

How to starve with medical fasting
Of course, you need to prepare for it in advance, after consulting with your doctor. Experts recommend a week before it began to go on a vegetarian diet, eliminate alcohol, and return to the normal diet in as many days as the hunger strike lasted. The meaning of a long fast is that, due to the lack of nutrients, the body is engaged in processing unnecessary things, getting rid of toxins and toxins.

The fasting technique itself remains the same – you just need to drink mineral water and forget where the fridge is. Difficult? But as a result, the body is cleansed, the volume of the fat layer is reduced, the condition of the skin improves.

First, the body is trying with all its might to force you to give food from the outside, so as not to use “reserve” reserves. But “Samoedstvo” still begins and gives fantastic results. A man becomes younger, his working capacity increases, lightness appears in the body.

How to get out of medical fasting
You need to go out of fasting carefully, gradually re-accustoming the body to food. On the first day, you should limit yourself to juices that are necessarily diluted with water. Then go to the fruits and vegetables, and on the third day you can already afford the porridge on the water. A week later, it is allowed to eat dairy products, after them – vegetarian food, with a smooth transition to your usual diet. The circle closes, the body shines like a new penny, you smile, feeling an unprecedented surge of strength.

Rules medical fasting
There are several important rules that must be followed if you have already decided on therapeutic fasting (both short and long):

lead an active lifestyle – only for short golds;

Do not consume more than three liters of water per day – this will create an additional load on the kidneys;

take off vitamins in pills – they benefit only with food;

be careful about taking medications – during fasting, they can act on the body differently;

Try to change the situation: go out of town, to the mountains, abroad – so you will leave the usual rhythm of life, which includes food;

Find a company for yourself – if you are supported by like-minded people, it will be easier and more pleasant to starve.

And the last. When you are starving, you need to maintain a joyful and cheerful mood. Convince yourself that you are doing an important thing for yourself, beloved (loved one). In this case, medical fasting will benefit your health.

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