Separate meals
This way of feeding is used by almost all types of living beings on our planet. Only one species - the modern Homo sapiens - neglecting the laws of nature,…

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The benefits of citrus
It is rare to meet people who would not like at least one of the types of citrus! They sprouted in dense thickets in the gastronomic preferences of Russians, and…

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Go to raw foods. How to avoid mistakes?
With a sharp transition to raw foods in most cases, there is a rapid elimination of subcutaneous fat, slag, kidney stones, etc. from the body. Purification of the body can…

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Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…


remained unchanged for hundreds

That is how they cooked pork in the XIV century for a noble table. You have to try!

Meat is a source of protein and a necessary food. This is a well-known fact. Most people on the planet can’t imagine their lives without meat. Of course, there are also opponents of eating meat, but such people are much less than those who like to pamper themselves with a chop or a chop.

Scientists have long argued about whether meat is good or bad. There are different points of view on this issue. To eat meat or not to eat, everyone decides for himself. Continue reading

Pizza: the way to conquer the world

Pizza is considered the main dish of traditional Italian cuisine. Although the history of its origin began much earlier than Italy itself appeared. Even the ancient Egyptians made sour yeast dough bread with algae in the shape of the sun. Some historians believe that its prototype was flat baked bread with filling, which was prepared in ancient Greece. The Romans had a similarity to pizza in the form of a flat cake with cheese, onions, butter and greens.

Pizza: the way to conquer the world Continue reading

The most common nutritional errors and their solution
As you know, good health and well-being are a prerequisite for a high quality of human life. It seems, what could be easier than to maintain your own health for…


Do they get fat from pasta?
Most people believe that pasta is not exactly the kind of food that is suitable for losing weight. That's because pasta is made from flour. And flour, as you know,…


Go to raw foods. How to avoid mistakes?
With a sharp transition to raw foods in most cases, there is a rapid elimination of subcutaneous fat, slag, kidney stones, etc. from the body. Purification of the body can…
