How to become a vegetarian? It is easier than it seems.
Some people try to go on a vegetarian menu slowly, gradually, while others – dramatically and permanently change their lifestyle. The main task is to realize, to feel your usual rhythm, the one that works for you, and stick to it in the future, with vegetarian food. In the transition to vegetarianism, there is no need to become an ideal vegetarian instantly, “in one sitting.” Continue reading
5 reasons why people become vegetarians
The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population asked the question: “How can people eliminate meat, fish, poultry from their diet?” And, most likely, vegetarians have answers to these questions.
First you need to clarify that there are several types of vegetarianism:
1) Lacto-vegetarians. These people admit the presence in the diet of dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.), but they do not consume eggs. Continue reading
How to prepare for the transition to vegetarianism
The transition to vegetarianism is an important step forward for physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you decide to switch to vegetarianism, then you should prepare for it. And in this article we will tell about 2 proven methods.
The first way to transition to vegetarianism Continue reading