How does heat treatment of vegetables affect the content of vitamins?
Recently, one of my readers asked how much baked bell pepper is rich in vitamin C or is it completely resolved by heat treatment. This question prompted me to prepare…

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Fruitarianism is the most natural way of life
Every year, fruitorialism is becoming more and more widespread. At one time, fruitarianians were concentrated mainly in America, but now they can be found all over the world. Let's see…

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How to return youth and health?
A person always wants to be slim, young and healthy. In the modern world, the mass media impose beauty standards on us. We are shown what we should strive for.…

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Choose organically grown foods.
If your daily diet consists mainly of artificially grown foods, many pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals are deposited in the fatty tissues of your body. Why take the risk if…


free radicals suck

How to return youth and health?

A person always wants to be slim, young and healthy. In the modern world, the mass media impose beauty standards on us. We are shown what we should strive for. A woman must be very thin, a man must be pumped up “macho.” But the stars shine in the sky, you will not follow them. And nature has given far from all the flawless appearance. Nowadays, high speeds for themselves sometimes just do not have time.

Youth is an instant, it flies by very quickly. And, unfortunately, not always people have time to realize themselves. We are often delayed household bog. Continue reading

How to return youth and health?
A person always wants to be slim, young and healthy. In the modern world, the mass media impose beauty standards on us. We are shown what we should strive for.…


There is and lose weight. Negative Calorie Products
People who want to get rid of excess weight, go to many things: sit on diets, take dubious quality pills, torture their already exhausted body with sports exercises, starve, and…


Variety of vegetable oils
When the term “vegetable oil” is found in a culinary recipe, the traditional for modern Russian cuisine sunflower and olive oils first come to mind. Then the corn floats in…
