How to become a vegetarian? It is easier than it seems.
Some people try to go on a vegetarian menu slowly, gradually, while others - dramatically and permanently change their lifestyle. The main task is to realize, to feel your usual…

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Products that prolong youth
All people tend to strive to have perfect health and live forever. And if the first desire to cope is relatively easy, if you monitor your body and its needs,…

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4 simple steps towards healthy eating
When we are more and more aware of the impact that a healthy diet can have on our lives, we begin to think about the possibility of changing our current…

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5 reasons why people become vegetarians
The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population…


cholesterol-lowering substances

The benefits of citrus

It is rare to meet people who would not like at least one of the types of citrus! They sprouted in dense thickets in the gastronomic preferences of Russians, and entrenched there forever.) Now, no one in our country can imagine the New Year without bright and beautiful, like New Year’s toys, mandarin! And few culinary experts imagine a sauce for fish dishes without lemons. Continue reading

The secret of green cocktails
There is no person in this world who does not know that greens are necessary and useful. However, the word "useful" can cause unpleasant associations associated with the nasty taste…


Fish in the children's diet
Recently, an online project for parents published my article about fish in the diet of children. I share this text with you, my readers. Fish and seafood is an…


Variety of vegetable oils
When the term “vegetable oil” is found in a culinary recipe, the traditional for modern Russian cuisine sunflower and olive oils first come to mind. Then the corn floats in…
