How to quickly find live food in any city
Every year more and more people are willing to spend their legitimately earned holidays in Asian countries, or they plan to move to these countries for permanent and permanent residence.…

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The benefits of citrus
It is rare to meet people who would not like at least one of the types of citrus! They sprouted in dense thickets in the gastronomic preferences of Russians, and…

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What are eating and what do not eat syromonoedy?
In this article, I want to sort through everything that relates to the diet of syromonoedus, or rather those products that are not eaten by syromonoids. In general, as a…

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Products that prolong youth
All people tend to strive to have perfect health and live forever. And if the first desire to cope is relatively easy, if you monitor your body and its needs,…


becoming a vegan

How to become a vegetarian? It is easier than it seems.

Some people try to go on a vegetarian menu slowly, gradually, while others – dramatically and permanently change their lifestyle. The main task is to realize, to feel your usual rhythm, the one that works for you, and stick to it in the future, with vegetarian food. In the transition to vegetarianism, there is no need to become an ideal vegetarian instantly, “in one sitting.” Continue reading

Raw foods: Pros and Cons
Recently, along with vegetarianism and veganism, raw foods are becoming more and more popular. Its essence is in the rejection of thermal or any other processing of food in order…


4 simple steps towards healthy eating
When we are more and more aware of the impact that a healthy diet can have on our lives, we begin to think about the possibility of changing our current…


Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…
