Do they get fat from pasta?
Most people believe that pasta is not exactly the kind of food that is suitable for losing weight. That's because pasta is made from flour. And flour, as you know,…

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How to become a vegetarian? It is easier than it seems.
Some people try to go on a vegetarian menu slowly, gradually, while others - dramatically and permanently change their lifestyle. The main task is to realize, to feel your usual…

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All about brownies
In each country, there is one or even several national desserts, which are loved by all residents, and visitors are perceived as a treasure and a dish that is mandatory…

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What are eating and what do not eat syromonoedy?
In this article, I want to sort through everything that relates to the diet of syromonoedus, or rather those products that are not eaten by syromonoids. In general, as a…


anti-inflammatory drugs

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Products that prolong youth

All people tend to strive to have perfect health and live forever. And if the first desire to cope is relatively easy, if you monitor your body and its needs, then with eternal life is not so simple. Of course, at one time, Count Cagliostro created the elixir of youth and, according to rumors, is still alive, however, nobody knows the recipe for this elixir. Continue reading

How to avoid overeating during the holidays?

According to our traditions, the New Year’s table should be filled with various dishes. For this reason, many people are extremely difficult to withstand such a load on the stomach. But do not worry. There is a way out of any situation. Consider a few effective ways to help you defeat gluttony and give you the opportunity to have fun in the New Year and Christmas holidays. Continue reading

Choose organically grown foods.

If your daily diet consists mainly of artificially grown foods, many pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals are deposited in the fatty tissues of your body. Why take the risk if you know the negative effects of the consumption of such products on health?

The most stuffed with nitrates are berries, fruits and vegetables: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, cherries, nectarines, peaches, grapes, pears, apples, bell pepper, spinach, celery, cabbage and potatoes. Continue reading

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Pizza: the way to conquer the world
Pizza is considered the main dish of traditional Italian cuisine. Although the history of its origin began much earlier than Italy itself appeared. Even the ancient Egyptians made sour yeast…


Black rice is a healthy alternative to white.
Who does not like rice? I have not yet met such people)) So my eldest son is ready to eat rice three times a day! However, I try to replace…


Choose organically grown foods.
If your daily diet consists mainly of artificially grown foods, many pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals are deposited in the fatty tissues of your body. Why take the risk if…
