Healthy food for every day
If by the middle of the day you feel unreasonable tiredness, sleep badly at night, little things irritate you, and “the head doesn’t cook”, then it’s time to pay attention…

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There is and lose weight. Negative Calorie Products
People who want to get rid of excess weight, go to many things: sit on diets, take dubious quality pills, torture their already exhausted body with sports exercises, starve, and…

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Variety of vegetable oils
When the term “vegetable oil” is found in a culinary recipe, the traditional for modern Russian cuisine sunflower and olive oils first come to mind. Then the corn floats in…

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Fish in the children's diet
Recently, an online project for parents published my article about fish in the diet of children. I share this text with you, my readers. Fish and seafood is an…


form of fragrant crackers

Hot smoking: how to smoke the meat yourself

It is not necessary to leave a cozy cottage for a trip to the city for smoked foods that most people like. It is enough to have meat (lard, poultry, fish) and a small, simple structurally, smokehouse, and you will be provided with a high-quality hot-smoked product all year round.

The essence of the process of hot smoking
The size of the piece, the type of product, the recipe – all this affects the duration of smoking: a standard piece of pork (store) is cooked at a temperature of 70-1500С for 1-2 hours (lard and fish – 1 hour, pizza – 2.5 hours). Continue reading

7 myths about food
Over the past 30–40 years, not only has the reality (mobile phones, the Internet) changed, but, above all, the environment has changed dramatically. Real bread, butter, milk, vegetables and meat…


Black rice is a healthy alternative to white.
Who does not like rice? I have not yet met such people)) So my eldest son is ready to eat rice three times a day! However, I try to replace…


4 simple steps towards healthy eating
When we are more and more aware of the impact that a healthy diet can have on our lives, we begin to think about the possibility of changing our current…
