Hot smoking: how to smoke the meat yourself
It is not necessary to leave a cozy cottage for a trip to the city for smoked foods that most people like. It is enough to have meat (lard, poultry,…

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Go to raw foods. How to avoid mistakes?
With a sharp transition to raw foods in most cases, there is a rapid elimination of subcutaneous fat, slag, kidney stones, etc. from the body. Purification of the body can…

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Pizza: the way to conquer the world
Pizza is considered the main dish of traditional Italian cuisine. Although the history of its origin began much earlier than Italy itself appeared. Even the ancient Egyptians made sour yeast…

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Fish in the children's diet
Recently, an online project for parents published my article about fish in the diet of children. I share this text with you, my readers. Fish and seafood is an…


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How to quickly learn to pamper your family with delicious food

Everyone who wishes is able to prepare food that is easy to prepare, but to cook more unusual dishes, to be able to mix seasonings, and pick up sauces for a dish is much more difficult. Learn to cook, everyone is able to absolutely. All that is needed for this is to be interested in business, strive to be able to cook and practice a lot. So, what do you need to delight your family with delicious food?

The most important thing is that you should enjoy this activity. Cooking should not be perceived as some kind of commitment like washing. Continue reading

Catalan meat - the secrets of Spain in your kitchen!
The rhythmic castante in skillful hands turns into a knock of a living human heart, intoxicates and intoxicates the scent of a white foam acacia flower, bright lace of petals…


Why give up the usual food?
Everyone knows about vegetarians, someone heard about raw foodists, almost no one knows about pranistah - people who feed on the energy of light and the surrounding space. Why all…


How to prepare for the transition to vegetarianism
The transition to vegetarianism is an important step forward for physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you decide to switch to vegetarianism, then you should prepare for it. And in…
