Black rice is a healthy alternative to white.
Who does not like rice? I have not yet met such people)) So my eldest son is ready to eat rice three times a day! However, I try to replace…

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Proper nutrition in Japanese
The Japanese are more than confident that it is healthy food that prolongs life. The land of the rising sun is the birthplace of science called macrobiotics. According to this…

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Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…

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Choose organically grown foods.
If your daily diet consists mainly of artificially grown foods, many pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals are deposited in the fatty tissues of your body. Why take the risk if…


oxygen inwards and smoke

Hot smoking: how to smoke the meat yourself

It is not necessary to leave a cozy cottage for a trip to the city for smoked foods that most people like. It is enough to have meat (lard, poultry, fish) and a small, simple structurally, smokehouse, and you will be provided with a high-quality hot-smoked product all year round.

The essence of the process of hot smoking
The size of the piece, the type of product, the recipe – all this affects the duration of smoking: a standard piece of pork (store) is cooked at a temperature of 70-1500С for 1-2 hours (lard and fish – 1 hour, pizza – 2.5 hours). Continue reading

That is how they cooked pork in the XIV century for a noble table. You have to try!
Meat is a source of protein and a necessary food. This is a well-known fact. Most people on the planet can’t imagine their lives without meat. Of course, there are…


Nuances of raw food
Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part…


How does heat treatment of vegetables affect the content of vitamins?
Recently, one of my readers asked how much baked bell pepper is rich in vitamin C or is it completely resolved by heat treatment. This question prompted me to prepare…
