Proper nutrition in Japanese
The Japanese are more than confident that it is healthy food that prolongs life. The land of the rising sun is the birthplace of science called macrobiotics. According to this…

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Healthy food
Currently, the greatest attention is paid to healthy food, because proper nutrition is the key to successful human life. What products can be called healthy? As you know, good nutrition…

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Healthy food for every day
If by the middle of the day you feel unreasonable tiredness, sleep badly at night, little things irritate you, and “the head doesn’t cook”, then it’s time to pay attention…

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How to prepare for the transition to vegetarianism
The transition to vegetarianism is an important step forward for physical, emotional and spiritual health. If you decide to switch to vegetarianism, then you should prepare for it. And in…


recommendations of specialists

Products that prolong youth

All people tend to strive to have perfect health and live forever. And if the first desire to cope is relatively easy, if you monitor your body and its needs, then with eternal life is not so simple. Of course, at one time, Count Cagliostro created the elixir of youth and, according to rumors, is still alive, however, nobody knows the recipe for this elixir. Continue reading

Fruitarianism is the most natural way of life
Every year, fruitorialism is becoming more and more widespread. At one time, fruitarianians were concentrated mainly in America, but now they can be found all over the world. Let's see…


How to quickly find live food in any city
Every year more and more people are willing to spend their legitimately earned holidays in Asian countries, or they plan to move to these countries for permanent and permanent residence.…


Products that prolong youth
All people tend to strive to have perfect health and live forever. And if the first desire to cope is relatively easy, if you monitor your body and its needs,…
