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Do they get fat from pasta?

Most people believe that pasta is not exactly the kind of food that is suitable for losing weight. That’s because pasta is made from flour. And flour, as you know, is a fairly high-calorie product. Well, let’s see.

Where did the pasta come from?

The history of macaroni or pasta, as they are called in Italy, dates back to ancient times. And on this subject there are several opinions of their origin. According to one version, they appeared in Japan, at the time of the samurai. When the Japanese soldiers went on long hikes, they tied themselves up with long noodles made from dough. What fed on the road. According to another version, the macaroni was invented in the 17th century by a girl who was the daughter of the owner of the tavern. But, most of them are just legends, and there is simply no reliable historical information about the origin of this product.

Enough history. We turn to the facts about pasta. Currently, pasta manufacturers produce a very large variety of products. Both long and short, curly and not so :). In our country, pasta such as lasagna, cannelloni and others are becoming more and more popular. In principle, they are no different from the more familiar to us spaghetti, shells, etc., except that the shape and sometimes color. So let’s see what are the pasta and what is their fundamental difference. The most important indicator of the quality of pasta is from which flour they are made.

The “right” pasta belongs to group A and is made from durum wheat. This is the pasta, which is most suitable for diet food for weight loss. They are also the most delicious. There are still products belonging to the group B of soft vitreous wheat. And group B made from wheat flour flour.

Only pasta belonging to group A possess such a quality as the slow process of their digestion, as a result of which a person feels satiety for a long time. Slow carbohydrates contained in durum wheat are undergoing slow processing, which prevents excessive energy production and fat accumulation. But this is not all! Let’s understand not from a scientific point of view but from a culinary point of view: On average, in dry, not cooked pasta, 370 kcal. per 100 grams, and

in boiled macaroni only 95 kcal. on 100 gr. (without oil)!

Due to the fact that pasta is a hearty dish, a large number of them cannot be eaten by an ordinary person. And given the low calorie, on average, to eat you need about 200-300 grams, which is only 200-300 kcal.! Agree, this is not much at all! And of course it should be noted that they are not only tasty, but also useful. They contain a lot of fiber, sodium and other nutrients for our body.

And what about pasta from group B and C? It’s very simple, who dreams of magnificent forms, choose them.

Most nutritionists claim that you will not recover if you eat pasta from durum wheat. Even in many model agencies in Europe, and not only in Europe, this product is recommended for models, and you will agree, that says something …

How to recognize pasta from durum wheat?

Well, armed with such knowledge about pasta and deciding that we will lose weight with this product, we go to the store. What could be easier to buy pasta groups A from durum wheat? Take the package and read the composition. And if we see in the composition of only 2 ingredients: water and flour from durum wheat, we buy, cook, eat, and lose weight! But, not everything is so simple, the fact is that many pasta producers are deceiving us a little. And instead of pasta group A you can buy pasta from a completely different group. So how do you learn to distinguish them? First of all, we look at the color of the product – it should be a yellowish tinge, and there should be no powdery powder on the surface of the pasta in the package. They should be translucent. Naturally, there should be nothing in the composition except water and flour from durum wheat.

But even this does not guarantee that you bought a quality product. And to find out whether it is, or not, only after cooking pasta. If the water, in which the pasta is boiled, has acquired a non-natural yellowish shade, this indicates a poor quality product. Most likely, it contains such food coloring as spice turmeric. This dye imitates exactly the color of pasta, which is made of durum wheat. The most important indicator of the quality of pasta is that after boiling the recommended time, curly pasta should not lose its shape and color.

Do not consider this an advertisement, but I would recommend you pasta manufacturers such as Maltagliati and Divella.

We hope that this article has introduced more clarity in understanding the nutritional value of pasta. And now you know whether you actually get fat from pasta.

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