How to return youth and health?
A person always wants to be slim, young and healthy. In the modern world, the mass media impose beauty standards on us. We are shown what we should strive for.…

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The most common nutritional errors and their solution
As you know, good health and well-being are a prerequisite for a high quality of human life. It seems, what could be easier than to maintain your own health for…

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Proper nutrition in Japanese
The Japanese are more than confident that it is healthy food that prolongs life. The land of the rising sun is the birthplace of science called macrobiotics. According to this…

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What to tell a child about nutrition: tips, heard in the detox clinic
When you become a mother, you literally start to perceive everything through the prism of this status. Even from a trip to the detox clinic - not at all childish…


consume more cereals

5 reasons why people become vegetarians

The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population asked the question: “How can people eliminate meat, fish, poultry from their diet?” And, most likely, vegetarians have answers to these questions.

First you need to clarify that there are several types of vegetarianism:
1) Lacto-vegetarians. These people admit the presence in the diet of dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.), but they do not consume eggs. Continue reading

Can a child be a vegetarian?
Me: To begin with, vegetarianism does not equal healthy eating. This is a must understand. After all, for example, pasta with tomato sauce, pizza and cola, fruit juice with donuts…


The secret weapon of natural juices
The health benefits of juice are huge. Fruit juices contain a large amount of fructose, which is in sweet fruit. However, vegetable juice has a significant advantage over fruit juice.…


8 types of products to preserve youth
Every person wants to preserve their youth as long as possible. Eating the right foods can help. 1. Water. Not one drink can replace water in the body, since man…
