Raw foods: Pros and Cons
Recently, along with vegetarianism and veganism, raw foods are becoming more and more popular. Its essence is in the rejection of thermal or any other processing of food in order…

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5 reasons why people become vegetarians
The modern world is divided in half: on those who consume meat and on those who do not use animal products. Probably, many of the first half of the population…

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Variety of vegetable oils
When the term “vegetable oil” is found in a culinary recipe, the traditional for modern Russian cuisine sunflower and olive oils first come to mind. Then the corn floats in…

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Hot smoking: how to smoke the meat yourself
It is not necessary to leave a cozy cottage for a trip to the city for smoked foods that most people like. It is enough to have meat (lard, poultry,…


can already afford the porridge

Medical fasting: starve or not

“Who wants to be brave – eats meat. Who wants to be healthy – eats vegetables. Who wants to be wise – eats air. Who wants to live forever – does not eat anything!” Ancient chinese saying

To starve or not? The question is not at all idle. For many years and even decades, the controversy surrounding this method of healing has not abated. And how many tell absolutely fantastic stories of “healing from incurable diseases”! Continue reading

These three plants relieve inflammation and pain is better than drugs.
Take note of the three most powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants. They act more efficiently than many drugs and have no side effects (if used in reasonable quantities, like any…


My diet is raw food 80/20
People often ask me what is my diet of food eater? And why am I not 100% raw food eater, but only 80%? In this article I will answer these…


Nuances of raw food
Every person wants to be healthy, happy. People are constantly in search of an ideal lifestyle, where there is no place for disease, drugs, and longevity is an integral part…
